Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Augsburg Fortress Responds to Needs of Katrina Victims

Press Release from Augsburg Fortress

MINNEAPOLIS (September 7, 2005)—In response to Hurricane Katrina Augsburg Fortress is offering a 50% discount on all orders placed on our website for Act of God/Active God, a book that helps people wrestle with the spiritual questions brought on by natural disasters. The discount is effective September 7 through December 31, 2006.

Additionally, Augsburg Fortress customers may donate to the ELCA Domestic Disaster Relief program when they place orders with us either via our toll-free customer service number 1-800-328-4648 or via our website

Augsburg Fortress will match 50 cents for every dollar donated through our order center up to a total company match of $25,000.

100% of the donations will go directly to relief through ELCA Disaster Relief - Hurricane Katrina. More information on ELCA Domestic Disaster Relief is available at

For further information about Act of God/Active God please read below.

Disaster Strikes—God Is There
In Act of God/Active God Dr. Gary Harbaugh raises the faith-related questions that the victims/survivors of natural disasters have as a result of this experience. Is the disaster an "act of God"? Did God cause the disaster? If God is all-powerful, why did God allow it to happen? Following examples of people who have experienced a variety of disasters, he confronts the faith issues from a profound theological perspective. Instead of seeing disasters as “acts of God,” he shows that when disasters occur, God in fact is active: active in and through our questions, confusion, and doubts; active in and through our responses and actions; active in and through the community; and active in and through people of faith. He discusses the dynamics of the caregiver/care receiver relationship from the perspective of the care receiver to provide insights into how natural disaster victims can face an uncertain future with hope and faith.

He offers seven ways people of faith can transform disasters into times of blessings, and he provides helpful spiritual and biblical resources to strengthen Christians in times of disaster. A final chapter for caregivers provides help for the emotional and spiritual health of those who assist others in times of disaster. Appendices provide practical, close-to-the-ground tools.

“Disasters come, sometimes with a feverish pitch that not only strip us of our internal strength and community resources, but also our ability to believe. How can there be a loving God with tornadoes, earthquakes, fires and other related disasters? Throw in wars, violence, genocide, disease, trauma . . . the questions are endless and so, it seems, is the pain.

Gary Harbaugh speaks forthrightly about the terror of despair and doubt and lifts the concerns to a God in a spiritual dialog that is not about answers "Why", but of "What". Act of God/Active God is a book of faith and comfort, and also a wakeup call for religious communities to be more active in life's disasters and other complexities, and to offer that prophetic word of faith and hope in the midst of those events that frequently leave little room for either.”—Rev. Dr. Richard B. Gilbert, The World Pastoral Care Center

“Gary Harbaugh has provided blessings to many over the course of his ministry, as a pastor, seminary professor, and writer. In times of disasters he serves as a Lutheran Disaster Response resource. Over the years he has offered Care for the Caregiver ministry to pastors, counselors, and staff impacted by disasters and involved in the church’s response to disasters. He is a valued colleague and a trusted friend. His thoughtful and caring ministry has blessed many people. I trust this book will be a blessing for you and for all who, in times of disasters, are people of an ‘active God.’”—Gilbert B. Furst, Director, Lutheran Disaster Response
Gary L. Harbaugh completed an interdisciplinary Ph.D. at the University of Chicago and a postdoctoral program at the School of Professional Psychology, Wright State University. Dr. Harbaugh is Professor Emeritus of Pastoral Care at Trinity Lutheran Seminary in Columbus, Ohio.

Act of God/Active God
By Gary Harbaugh
$9.00, Paper (50% off orders place on through December 31, 2005)
ISBN 0-8006-3215-X
Publisher: Fortress Press

To order Act of God/Active God please visit the Web site.

To request review copies or exam copies, or to discuss speaking engagements or interviews, please call 1-800-426-0115 ext. 234 or email


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