Thursday, September 22, 2005

Augsburg Fortress VBS 2006 Mission projects to help families of Hurricane Katrina

We now have details that the that have been added to help the families who were affected by Hurricane Katrina. You can incorporate this into your Hurricane Katrina missions for your Augsburg Fortress Vacation Bible School. Here is information taken from our VBS web site.

At Gospel Express, kids really can make a difference!

Since 2004, Augsburg Fortress VBS Mission Projects have raised more than $350,000 to help people in need. This year is no different.

Imagine living in a drought-prone, tropical climate with few shade trees and only two water pumps to accommodate the needs of your whole community. One day a devastating hurricane destroys what little you own. Your family scrambles to piece together a shelter with the only resources available: black plastic sheeting for walls and corrugated tin for a roof. Now imagine that your government leaders promise you a new start. Land and adequate building materials will be given to you and your hopes begin to rise. But just as those promises begin to materialize, a leader in your community disappears, along with the funding for the housing project. Once again, your hopes for the future are washed away.

Emmanuel Housing Project
In 1998, Hurricane Mitch devastated the Emmanuel Community located in southwestern Nicaragua. Already considered one of the poorest areas on the face of the earth, the hurricane left the families of this community homeless. Today, many Emmanuel families still exist in deplorable living conditions. By participating in the Emmanuel Housing Project, your Gospel Express VBS participants and congregation members can help these Nicaraguan families acquire adequate housing and a brighter future!

Gospel Express VBS went to press just before Hurricane Katrina hit. In the wake of the devastation of this hurricane and the subsequent flooding, Augsburg Fortress is offering an alternate mission project should you and your Rail Riders wish to help those affected by this disaster.

The cardboard Emmanuel House can be used to collect offerings for the thousands of people who were left homeless by Hurricane Katrina. Replace references to Hurricane Mitch in the Director Guide and Leader Guides with references and information about the devastation of Hurricane Katrina. At the end of your VBS count the money collected.

Write out a check to "Lutheran Disaster Response" and include on the memo line "Hurricane 2005." Send the check to:

ELCA Disaster Response

P.O. Box 71764

Chicago, IL 60694-1764


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